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หน้าหลัก » Venerable U Candima
เข้าชม : ๑๙๙๓๒ ครั้ง
A Study of the Life and Work of the Most Venerable Ledi Sayadaw, U Nyana.(๒๕๔๘)
ชื่อผู้วิจัย : Venerable U Candima ข้อมูลวันที่ : ๒๑/๐๘/๒๐๑๐
ปริญญา : พุทธศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต(พระพุทธศาสนา)
คณะกรรมการควบคุมวิทยานิพนธ์ :
  Dr. Phra Suddhivorayan
  Dr.David Tin Win
  Dr.David Tin Win
วันสำเร็จการศึกษา : 8 March 2005

This thesis is “A Study of the Life and Work of the Most Venerable Ledi Sayadaw” , a prominent Burmese monk who was also a Sāsana beneficiary, an accomplished researcher and a successful, and renowned, Buddhist scholar.

            Existing biographies mainly in Myanmar were consulted. Monywar, where the Sayadaw lived for many years and established a Pali University, and Pyinmana, where he lived before his demise, were visited and a few knowledgeable people interviewed.

            The chronological study of Ledi Sayadaw’s life, starting from his auspicious birth, filled with amazing omens, upto his death, signaled by earthquakes, is followed by a description of his scholarly work, religious ventures, and commendable social activities. These illustrate his humbleness, even after he had become a celebrity, and also reveal his influence on society both locally and globally.

            During his lifetime, he wrote over one hundred Buddhist Dhamma manuals, or dissertations, known in the Myanmar language as dīpanīs. Due to various limitations, such as time constraints, a complete study of the whole work proved prohibitive. Therefore, selected dīpanīs were chosen to obtain a taste of how he studied and interpreted the Buddhist scriptures; and how


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