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An Analytical Study of the Advantage, the Disadvantage and the Escape from Kāma (Sensualities) in Theravada Buddhist Scriptures
Researcher : Onsiri Khamwansa date : 15/03/2018
Degree : พุทธศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต(พระพุทธศาสนา)
Committee :
  แม่ชีกฤษณา รักษาโฉม
Graduate : ๑๙ มีนาคม ๒๕๕๘



This thesis is of three objectives, namely:- 1) to study of sensualities (kāma) found in Theravada Buddhist Scriptures, 2) to study the advantage, the disadvantage and the escape with regard to sense-desires, and 3) to analytically study of the advantage, the disadvantage and the escape with regard to sensualities according to Buddhist Scholars’ perspectives.

This is the documentary research by the analytical study from Pāli Canon, Commentaries, and interviewing the Buddhist Scholars.

From the research, it is found that kāma is a sense-desire, the craving, the sensual pleasure and the defilements (kilesas), craving (taṇhā) , desire (rāga), etc. They happened from a man’s attachment. There are two kāmas, 1) kilesa-kāma:- the subjective sensuality, e.g. rāga, lobha, icchā (desire), etc. 2) vatthu-kāma:- the objective sensuality, e.g. the five sensual pleasures:- forms, sounds, smells, tastes, touches. Kāma is really the sensual happiness, but it is mixed with the suffering because, there is another happiness more neatly than the happiness arising from sensuality.

The merit sensuality is called ma-sukha:- the worldly happiness which is called the type of five senses-desires classified as the “advantage”, because it is the gratification with regards to the sense-desires. The sample is enjoyer of the sensual pleasures such as the seeking of the wealth. A certain person make himself happy and cheerful, shares himself with others and does meritorious deeds etc. Then, the demerit sensuality is called the disadvantage of the sensual pleasures (mādīnava) which is a mass of suffering, becoming distressed, of the sensuality as the cause by which the parents quarrel with children, children quarrel with the parents, brothers quarrel with brothers, or the householder quarrels with householder, etc. These are the disadvantages with regard to the sensuality. The Buddhist perspective is the one who wishes for the supramundane happiness (lokuttara-sukha). He should go away of sensuality. The ways of escaping from the sensuality are:- 1) a talk on disadvantage and a talk on advantage of renunciation, 2) the critical thought on the loathsomeness, 3) the development of Transquillity meditation until attaining Ekaggatā:- one-pointedness which is the factor of the four Jhānas, 4) the development of the four foundations of mindfulness.


The Buddhist scholars’ perspective on Kāma is not different from th data in Buddhist Scriptures. It is the modern science that Buddhism taught one to escape from the sensual pleasure. If one cannot avoid from them, one should not be in the  sensuality, should not be slave of the  sensuality, especially, one who needs to escape from kāma. It is not kāma happiness, but it is mixed with suffering.

The influence of kāma in the positive point, makes the world to be civilized. as seen at the present times. In the negative point, it is the cause of the problem of consumerism, the problem of crime, the problem of conflict, and the problem of sexual violence etc. The escape from sensuality in the societies in another way is to control the sensuality which misconduct themselves through the body and the speech,  it also becomes the rough defilement. The development of mindfulness or insight meditation is the arising of wisdom and can be known what advantage is. What is disadvantage? It can be applied to every activity such as standing, walking, sitting, lying, eating, doing, speaking, and thinking, etc. when does kāma happen? If one always has mindfulness, one can prevent it and can solve the problems safely.


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